Monday, June 28, 2004

Being a tutor

Life always changes dramatically, you can not expect things will be stable forever. I have experienced the fickleness since I start to manage my life last year. Finding accommodation, managing work and study, school activities and commitment, planning for travel, worrying about future, come across relationship, etc. Everything I mention above is fluid, and they would suddenly slope down at their high points.

This week I will be a tutor for those Year 12 kids. I hope I will be a good tutor and receive no complain afterwards. I have worked out how I am gonna to teach in my tute class and structured my plans with my tute coordinator. But I wouldn’t know how I will behave when I stand in front of 20+ students and speak awkward English! Anyway, it is a challenge for me.

Today's quote:
我们如果信仰商业社会浮夸的展示, 要晋升上流社会的途径是成为一名拥有丰富入息的专业人士, 医生, 律师, 会计师等, 或是懂得投资理财的企业家.于是我们努力念书, 以此改变自己的命运. 接着学习上层阶级的语言, 姿势, 礼仪, 态度, 意见, 风格等等.然后希望让自己的孩子在未来是自由的.(张玮栩,《自己的房间》)。


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