Saturday, June 26, 2004

Chilly outdoor day

Yesterday was a bit chilly cold for outdoor activities. I am one of the stupid bums to go out for CVA to remove weeds in the awful weather. The people there told us that “one-year’s seeding, ten year’s weeding.” We had to bend down to remove weeds bit by bit, and the volunteers didn’t seem to enjoy it too much. They are the jobless people receiving dole from the government and have to do it voluntarily. The team leader, Bridget, she is doing her honour in environmental science and doesn’t see her future be very bright. In this commercial age, people pay too little attention to the environment they are living in, or even the people they are living with. You can only earn good money in commercial industry, and sustain living is put at the end of the agenda.

Today's quote:
原来商业社会是这么教育我的, 透过上层人士的展示, 向我们炫示美好生活的幻象。虚荣心煽动我一定不可以跟金钱过不去,免得有一天走进那店里(Tiffany)却欠缺一股从容的气质。(张玮栩,《自己的房间》)。


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