Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Crap Union

I completely understand why there are corruptions in MUSU after today’s winter school. I was surprised to find that there were only three students turned up for my tute, compared to Johnny’s 20+ tute yesterday. The time arrangement was a total chaos, Johnny had the tute that I supposed to have, and the head tutors were just like those helpless dudes. Anyway, it is a good practise for me to build up self-confidence when I speak in front of people. Actually, when I was in secondary school, I spoke in front of 56 classmates all the time. Once you get used to it, then you will move up to another leadership level.

Next semester will be very busy for me. I will be doing a lot of extra curriculum activities: SALP (one hour per week + ALG); Dance (one hour per week); CTG (late Sept early Oct); MUOSS (liaison); Career centre; university service. I am not sure if I can handle this, but I will try. I will drop my job if I really run out of time. I have decided to join MUOSS, because I really want to know how I can find sponsorship for events. It is very important to me. When I think of last year’s interview for liaison co-opt, I was such a silly girl turn up for knowing nothing about what I am applying for. I have changed a lot in a year, and I believe if I go for the interview I will definitely get in. It is the matter of the fact that I want to apply or not. I will not work or work less in next semester probably. Life is much important than money for me.

I have no comment to Melbourne weather. It is just weird. It can be sunshine in the morning and thunderstorm in the afternoon. However, the weather is gorgeous since Sunday and I feel like a sin to stay indoors yesterday. The wind is strong though, it blows up to 80km/hr on Monday. It is even faster than a car!! No wonder I could not walk when I was walking against the wind.

Last night I talked to a customer, he asked me what I want to do when I graduate (I am always asked this kind of question). I said: “Probably in advertising or PR.” Then he said: “Hmm…it is very competitive and hard. But I tell you, everything is hard these days.” I know. So I know my life perspective is to enjoy doing things I am doing and try my best to achieve my goal. What is my goal? Pretty simple: I want to see myself improving every year and to be maturer than people in my age group.

Today's Quote:
我看着自觉的薪金月结单,不得不承认自己追求物质的欲望远远大于我能力所及,在还没找到愿意供养我的那个人之前,为了满足自我欲求,我便成为日本学者山田昌弘所谓的”单身寄生虫”……他们拥有职业和收入,但在生活基本需求上仍深深依赖父母,如房租,房车贷款,电器,日产用品等都依靠父母供给,而薪金所得便省下来给自己消费名牌,出国旅行.这些所谓”单身寄生虫”都清楚知道不应利用父母之爱,也不可能一辈子都依赖父母,目前的寄生生活只是一种投机之计 --- 如何趁青春貌美时就能开着漂亮的房车四处游走?除了大方的父母,还真找不到更好的答案了.(张玮栩,《自己的房间》)。


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