Sunday, June 20, 2004


I am hardly addicted to something for a counted time because I don’t want to be the best. I know this idea is weird, but if you want to reach the top you have to give up a lot of things. I just want to be simple, to see things I haven’t seen and experience different style of lives. That is why I will definitely live in Kings Cross one day. Anyway, recently I watch a Japanese animate series called Witch Hunter Robin every night until 3 o’clock in the morning. This is why I did not update my website since I finished my exam on Thursday. It is ok only, compared to those I watched when I was a teen. I haven’t been so crazy of being addicted to this kind of entertainment for years, the last time was 6 years ago at least. I am too rational to be entertained. Ahh…media student.

These days I keep questioning myself about why I choose to work in media industry. It is an industry depends much on luck and you must not expect too high about the pay. I understand now how come so many people study business, one for the money, second for stable. However, my perspective is, I want to be an outsider of the society game, I want to see those money players perform on the media stage. Being an observer is better than a player.

Holiday has already started, I have got a list of must-read-book. I hope I can finish reading half of them. Yeah, I will continue to make my site more readable.


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