Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Love the Marketing Communication Tute

I had my first Marketing Tute this afternoon. Oh my God, most of my friends are in this tute! The tutor is Danielle, which is also our lecturer. I believe it will not be a boring class as most of them are typically media & comm. typed of students --- funny and interactive. My heart feels warm amount these talented people.

Most of media & comm. students have had a sort of depressing, especially those in their 3rd year of studying, as they have no idea what they want to do by the time they graduate. One media & Comm. Aussie guy frankly said “I don’t want to do any theory subjects. I HATE them! But it seems to be avoidable.” I also have had time of hating those boring stuff, however, after suffering those dull moments, I find out more about my inner self and had a deeper view about the world and human society. In my second half of media study, I will start to apply those theories in my “practical” subjects. More importantly, I will not dwell in the world to find my lost soul. I have learnt how to take things easy whenever I am facing tough time.

Today was pretty rush for me, I had to ran from one class to another. I didn’t have a chance to have a proper meal. My stomach starts to protect itself after I had a strong coffee, and I tried to vomit several times with nothing. Tomorrow’s schedule is even worse as I need to assist an in campus career fair and have a tute immediately after. No lunch break! My life becomes busy straight after Uni starts. The way I use to relief my stress is to roar loudly in my room (my poor flatmate).

Today’s Quote:
'Beautiful one day, perfect the next'


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