Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Something about making film

How come many young people want to make film in this era? What is the appeal of it? It requires a lot of hard work and cooperation, aside from already complicated money matters. Maybe they want to know how far their talents can go, the rests are subordinated. There is nothing wrong of it, in fact, I quite admire those people who dare to step out searching for their glory. However, if you consider film making as a career, then I would say “Hang on! Have you really prepared to devote your life to it?” Film industry is the hardest and most difficult segment in media industry. Watching film and making film is a completely different concept, although watching it is the initial incentive. If you are ready for doing it, GO AHEAD and never regret. We must make something memorable in our life while we are young.

Feeling terribly sick today as I only had 4hr sleep last night. Need a rest.

Today’s Quote:
Life is a promise; fulfil it.


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