Sunday, September 12, 2004

A weird day

I suddenly realise that today is Sept 11 anniversary, no wonder so many wired things happen to us and they all associate with phone. Caroline picked up the person’s call she just wanna dial; I had a wired anonymous call at 2am (lucky I was still awake)!

Again, I talked with Caroline till four o’clock in the morning. I think it would be the last time for us to chat like that, as in flatmates. I will definitely miss her and, yah, hope I can get along well with Junie, my new flatmate lah.

We did a pre-spring clean up this noon. You wouldn’t know how dirty the place you are living in now until you started to do clean up seriously. Every piece are now looking shine and tidy in my “Happy Flat”.

p.s. Another weird thing was although I did not eat for the whole day, I still don’t feel hungry. I hope it is a good thing, as I read an article saying that we should allow our body to have a break once a month by not consuming any food. Hopefully, this self-cycle would improve my digestion or health circulation (I need tutoring for my medical terms!)


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