Friday, October 29, 2004

Confronted with unexpected

I am going to give my beloved violent to my uncle soon. In return, I am given an one-week beachside holiday (not sure if it will be free) in Philip Island during Christmas. Pretty sad. Before I moved to Melbourne, I used to play with it for hours. From scrannel to composed songs, I immersed myself into music quite a lot. However, my whole world changed four years ago. Not even to think about continuing my lessons, I can hardly find time to play with it.

Isn’t it called “sacrificed ratio”? If I want to gain something, I must lose something for it. Good or not? No one knows. Human is useless when they are confronting with social desires and unexpected changes.

I talked about “sacrifice” with my going-to-be ex-flatmate. In the balance of family and career, how can a woman make decisions? Woman is incapable for such kind of things in the modern society. Eventually, most of them will get marry, then children, then … you are stuck in the family generation circle. OR, you can choose to lead a freedom life without the joy as in a family. I always worry too much and not happy when I stay alone. This is because I expect a lot. Those things are not unreachable, but require a strong will; and most importantly – a SACRIFICE. I want to bring out my values and get people appreciate for them, while I also want to have a simple life. A family? Yes, a family! My friends might be surprised if they read my blog, as I am the only one in our age group who were saying “no family, no crime” without even an eyebrow raise. And now I am yelling for a family here!? Ridiculous! But that is the unexpected change in my mind within this year.

I am still troubling with eating disorder by far. I forgive myself for having junk food and obsessing with bread in the last two days. If I can not have the basic stress transplanting, I will be freak out at the end of the day.

Yesterday was reported as one of the wildest Melbourne weather in record. No wonder I swore as those wetty people did in the shitty tram.

Still have not recovered from the blue mood, I encountered a once of thousand time incident today. The union computer staff mixed up my student card with another girl’s. So now I am walking in Uni without an identity. The girl who took my ID was the student host in my first year and I just recently deleted her phone number! This is life. Things always happen with surprised.

Good news is I find another accommodation already. Lucky enough to spot on a place that cannot be any close to uni: with 1 min walk, I can reach the union house in the campus centre.

While I was writing this blog, Junie told me that she would not go to Sydney but, instead, back to Singapore. Her father fell sick again. She had to go back even though she was offered a job interview there and had already booked the ticket. No choice. No matter how much she longs for working in Australia, she has to go back for those unescapable family responsibilities. If I were her, I would do the same as I love my dad so much.


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