Thursday, November 25, 2004

Sore eyes are pain

My eyes are in greatly pain so much so that ice mask are needed. It is the side effect of sitting in front of the computer for hours. I had such kind of suffering last year as I had to write a presentation for a product pitch. Not so much fun in the advertising/marketing field absolutely different from most people think it was. I still will get my hands dirty in the field, but might considered a career change after my mind-20s.

For the first time, I watched a Singaporean movie –“Chicken Rice War”- with my ex-neighbour Hann. The DVD was taken from my office desk; it was supposed to be an Asian culture studied material for Year 11 kids. The storyline is not that fascinating and it has employed some Hong Kong cinema narrative tactics, which I don’t really like. Actually, there are not many films can pass my favourite judging hurdle. With cute Singlish, the two main actors fell in love in a sudden. I don’t know if that is a true Singapore youth reflection, whereas it seems too fake to me and I give it an emotional rejection. One interested thing I found was the Honker centre. This place has attracted me a lot yet in the film it was totally different to my imagination. In the film it is like Hong Kong 大排档, filthy and cheap. Hmm…Singapore will be a fascinating place to me.

Melbourne city is boiling up day by day. Heat wave chokes me consistently and also causes allergy spot on me every night. I start taking those anti-virus pills although I know they are no good.

Never say a female is fat, no matter how close you are and you are just telling the truth. Monday night I told my manager she was a bit fat. In the subsequent night she kept calling me “skeleton”. Swear not to tell such a sensitive truth to a female. NEVER!!


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