Sunday, January 23, 2005


I have become addictive to Korean snack recently. Every Sunday afternoon, the time for my weekly grocery shopping, I would walk into this Korean supermarket opposite QVM to skim over its snack section. I have not yet left with my hands empty. Rows of exotic packaged snacks with unfamiliar snaky characters are irresistible. So as shopping in Footscray market. Various Vietnamese groceries attract my curiosity. Most foodstuffs are familiar to me, yet I have not a clue how I suppose to eat them. Rod ate Chinese sweet bun with soy sauce, hopefully I had not done something similar.

I almost finish a book called Power Pose, which is written by my Professional Writing lecturer Carolyne Lee. Reading her book is like having her lectures, swimming in her feverish emotion cloud. She is not a bad lecturer, in terms of engaging with students, yet not in academic teaching. Damon once criticised this subject as: “吾知她教咩.” True. There is no such thing of learning how to write. Knowing the basic rules, the rest lies on your capability and willingness to practice.

Last night, I talked a customer about my potential career path in marketing. His immediate comment was: “It was easy.” Compared to engineering and other more professional disciplines, arts is always the easiest. Whereas, I can not imagine myself using four years to learn about blueteeth, or telecommunications, or any other engineering. It is a bounding area reserved for guys.

I just read the recent entry on Tessa’s blog about the sexie life happened in her house. My term-housemate was having sex with a girl next door! I was so irritated with this guy, who is a qualified rascal lawyer. Afterwards, he could sense my icy attitude towards him and quickly slipped away from my eye sights. Thank God, he is moving out in two weeks.


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