Friday, February 04, 2005

A havoc weather

Dominant? Dominated? Throughout the two-hour economic lecture, we were taught the differences between these two game strategies. Game theory is an interesting topic. As the strategies described in the theory are often used in the real world as in bargaining, with people may or may not realised.

We are in the hottest month of the year, yet on Wednesday, Melbourne flipped into the coldest February ever. Snow even dumped onto Alpine resort! We could even ski in the summer time. What a freaky weather. After hitting 30 degree in the morning, black clouds followed with wild storm swept across Victoria. Huge rain poured from the sky around-the-clock, and brought the wintry cold into the city. The wet wild weather condition drowns the Melbourne streets and drenches to everyone’s skin.

I had a big breakfast soon as I woke up this morning. It was an all bread meal. As always, I could not resist my affection towards bread; I kept taking pieces from the bakery bag in snatches. The whole loaf had gone before I finished reading the morning newspaper! A truly bread lover.


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