Tuesday, February 01, 2005

lag behind

Currently, there are about six emails in my inbox waiting for me to reply. Gee…I am so lag behind of replying. Some of them have been there for a month. As several of them take time to think about in terms of myself reflection of life purpose and the way of leading life, I just put them off again and again. However, Lunar new year is knocking at the door, I have to send my greetings to these valuable people in my life. Thus, no more procrastinating!

My friends and ex-colleagues in China keep asking me the date I will go back. I could only give them a vague answer, “probably next year, after I graduate and everything is settled”. I know I will have minimal chance to go back next year. Graduation, applying for PR, searching for jobs and moving to Sydney will block out my holiday time. In the previous times of going back, I was mainly for shopping and holiday; now I am long for seeing my perpetual friends.


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