Friday, February 11, 2005

The mini Apprentice

HEWSO is a mini version of “the Apprentice”. One task assigned to four teams with limited time. Team members have to tackle problems with the best solutions after a month of intensive research and discussions. Our team just had a five-hour meeting as a milestone halfway into the competition. A long discussion for ideas and solutions gathered, the central part of the final report had been developed. It is amazed to see different people have different talents in someway, the way to work out how to compromise and utilize are essential to the success of the team.

I am going to work on my arts exhibition in the library soon after the exam. Meeting with the library arts coordinator, surprisingly who was a friend of mine couple years back in our evening French class, and was assured a space in the library. The rest is just how I am going to present my photos and writing creative comments. I start liking working on creative stuff since last year. This is the incentive my degree gives to me. However, in the summer semester, I was confined with set economic calculations which devastated my creative cells.


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