Tuesday, April 12, 2005

A four year anniversary

Reluctantly, I started to write the feature story I suppose to finish two days ago. I was pissed of because my 2nd-graded USB lost my original piece. Not an interested story on the other hand, and I have to use my limited creativity to make it attractive to the big fat Perth lecturer.

Overnight, maple leafs are swirling around. My long-waited romantic Melbourne scene is batting my eyelids. The end of this week was the anniversary of my fourth year in Melbourne. My memory is still fresh on the first week of arrival, simplistic about the new world and curious on the surrounding. Much has changed over these years, just as fickle as Melbourne weather.

I was impressed by a Christian definition given by the St. Marry nun, “A real Christian will not say anything good about God. He/she would just quietly go out and work for what God tells him/her to do.” There are many Christians in the world, but the ones God loves are counted on finger.


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