Sunday, June 19, 2005

Every week is the same week

近呢半年来, I fall into a Sunday routine: wake up before 8:30am, wash my flimsy hair, do all the laundry and clean up. At 9:10am, I will be enjoying a fruitful brekkie and watching Sunday business program on Channel Nine. After washing up the dishes, I head down to library to catch up with the weekly study I left behind. At about 3pm, I will stroll my way to VicMkt for my grocery shopping. On the way, I would pick up some unhealthy snacks. Carrying bags of groceries, I then head back to library to read the Thursday Media section on the Australian. Most of the time I will be back home at around 4:30. Lay down my hustling body, and enjoy the half an hour reading of the week. When the hour hands points at 5:45pm, I then go downstairs to take back my laundry. The next hour or so, I will be folding and ironing my clothes with the taped Desperate House Wives or the Lost showing in TV. Sometimes I may have dinner, but most of the time I choose to skip. Time slips to 7:45pm, I pick up the phone and talk with grandma for 20 minutes or so. Soon after put down the phone, I will use the Optus free time to catch up with friends with lengthy chick talks. Swiftly, nine o’clock already, flows feelings spurts out of my heart and are transformed into writing. Surf the net for a little while, yawn then starts to kick in. At 11:30pm, I am zizz in bed if no late night call from overseas.

After reading this bromidic Sunday life description, have you noticed anything missing? … The thing that is missing is human interaction! I do not talk to a real human face-to-face. Although technology has advanced our lives in a great pace, it can not make an amendment to is human touch.

Although my recent life is as simple as this, I miss the feeling of home when I lived in Drummond. The person I miss the most on every Sunday evening is Big C. I will not re-describe our life to bore the reader again, I just want to emphasis some enjoyment will last long in memory.

A lot of people finished their exams last week. People in small subjects, such as me, are suffering from exam stress as well as the larks from those who could go out and celebrate end of exam one week before us. I see students in (Advanced)microeconomic and marco studying in the past few days; their notes are full of graphs and calculations. Poor guys! Poor us! I wish I could be a free bird, like the one flied into the library study hall this afternoon.


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