Tuesday, June 28, 2005

First day at work

Today is the first day of work in the media office. Nice people and interested work. The first task I did was to read the daily media clipping from a commissioned media-gathering firm and then filtered out useful media news story to the university academic staff. The second thing was to send out a media release to different publication journalists, hopefully one of them would write a story on the topic we sent. That is the work of media department. On the publication side, I learnt their work on lay out, paper material, producing handbooks, course information booklets, banners, etc. Finally, I found a chance to talk to the advertising staff – Palm. She was happy to take me on board, given that the they always spin around for not having enough staff. Most of the university ad is in print, and they work with a local ad agency Adcorp. Hmm… I cant wait to put my hands on their work!

I have a corn on my foot. There is nothing interesting on this small matter. The hilarious thing is, I bought the external used pad, put it over the corn, replaced the pad everyday, everyday goes fine till the last pad, then I found that I did not put the medicine in the pad! I had wasted five pads to cover my corn and trying to choke it off. Stupid girl!


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