Friday, August 19, 2005


“So that is why people hate university students – they are too smart and have too much time.” Jack Given said in our Media law class. We had a very interesting law tute today as we hypothetically discuss the media landscape with no copyright. We also argued the Napster/P-2-P case, which brings up the idea of boundary between providing service and encouraging infringement acts. There was a girl told us that she used to watch online movie in colleague for free, which was where the quote at the beginning comes from. In our daily life, we would have infringed copyrights without notice ourselves. In my opinion, it really depends on the commercial outcome the infringement. If you use others’ copyright protected IP for making money yourself without getting permission from the author, then you will definitely very likely to get into trouble. Otherwise, who cares about what you do inside your square room.

I have applied for the EPEC (similar to employment pass) today. The official visa will be sent from Singapore to my aunt’s house as early as next year January. I can’t wait to leave Melbourne.

I had a good chat over the phone with Big C last night. We still had a lot of topic to chat about. Strangely, I feel very comfortable to talk in English with her than anyone else. On top of that, my distaste to speak in Mandarin grows stronger bit by bit.

These week I work and study like 24/7. I would love to have time to take a rest and think about some matters in hands. Too many things but too less time after 21st.


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