Thursday, November 03, 2005


Once a person’s physical energy consumption does not have sufficient supplement to plump in, s/he will inevitably slum into a sluggish state. That is exactly like what I am now. For no reasons, I don’t want to proactively look for jobs. Everything had been well planned in uni, I desperately need to take a break and think for myself. Surviving in this week, the sky will be clear again. Oh well, in some sort of at least.

Last night, I was in the lab with Jenny accompanied. I could hardly put in anything into my project since I was there from 9am. We started talking about shopping clothes online. Soon after I logged onto eBay, we could not stop browsing for nice dresses and skirts. Like most of the other girls, once we hooked onto clothes, we put aside whatsoever is important to us but keep looking, study included. For the night, I bid for a VCR+DVD combo device, which is about $100 cheaper than the retail price. I put in my maximum bid and left, hopefully I can overbid the others and reap this bargain for my grandparents.


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