Saturday, December 03, 2005

What is a true love?

Relationship is a tricky matter. Some people will never get it right, some people will never find one, and some will cling on each eternally with brimming of love. I had given enough shit to Ziran as he was being irritated towards the end of the night. He and his brassy friend twaddled women like dispensable extras. These people will never interpret the essence of love and deserve to miss the fortune of having someone by the side. I know that Z always desires for a real love, whereas, he is too smart to put himself down in front of girls. On top of that, he does not understand “sincereness”. He has the common characteristic of most other lawyers – never make a promise with heart.

I imagine myself in two status quos – one is in a high-up position, working wilily, with uncounted cash in the bank; the other one is hard-headed, contentment comes from others, simply with caring and love. Human always need money, cashing up to look for a higher-class life. However, life balance should not tilt to one extreme which may, in the end, lose scale and fall insane permanently.


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