Friday, June 09, 2006

Cloris's days

It is a Friday night, Cloris is only just sitting quietly in her bedroom. She is pounding on her future and the track she is currently wheeling down her life. She is a both lucky and unlucky girl – being surrounding with love from family, friends and lover, but at the same time, suffering from sicknesses and uncertainties. She still has to work extremely hard, is still on medication, and still itching with rash day after day. Looming ahead is uncounted days of waiting for the stupid Australian PR, but cheering with foreseen excitement of the Singapore life afterwards. She now has an everydayness work with a big Teleco company - she is a worker at her desk, tapping from 7:30 to 3:30 on most days. She can only be the real her when she is out of that modern but frosty building and spend time with Z. However, faith has to play with her again and is trying to reave him away from her. One more attempt, if that fails, they would both have to drift along the dicey river, hoping to meet again after years of years of trying.

On the other hand, Cloris might be abandoned by K if she does not start practising dance again. If she wants to go out in Sydney, she must have to get back in shape and kick her ass moving again.

Last but not least, this innocent but diligent girl is planning to study a little bit of fashion. Occupying herself when Z is not around, is always better than going out with others in club scenes.


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