Monday, April 23, 2007

Busy bee

Last week I could not get out of the office before 8.30pm everyday, so praisy! Everyday, everything is work work work, even in my dream is work. I withstand a lot of stress and accuse from some bithcy girls around and piles of work day after day. Everyday is a new busy day and now I could not kick off without at least one cup of coffee.

I went to a charley (a holiday bungalow) near Changi beach with a group of people I met from the dance studio on Saturday night after my dance class. Once in a while, students from our dance studio will organize an outing so everyone can gather together and get to know each other better. That is a good thing of a small studio which people can have more opportunities to know each other, unlike the big ones such as A&J. I start to know more about the dance studios in Singapore and figure out the good and bad ones, I also search around for good places with Latin or ballroom music apart from Union Square. Regardless my level, I now know all of the Latin dances, so I may consider taking ballroom dance after my studio’s three-week break.

We went down to the beach in the dark, walked along the Kelang and played with sparkling firework on the sands. There were a few Malays around catching fish at night, quite an interesting thing to see. After that, we went back to the bungalow and randomly chatting around with people. At the same time, we were munching the Utah from the bag of a hundred - someone bought in a hundred Utah from a famous Utah store and encourage 9 of us to finish them as our energy supplement. It was an OK get-together night with people I haven’t met from our studio. I left just after mid-night, taking a cab back, while others stayed back to dance in the wee hours.

I finally tear open my purse to buy an expensive Ben & Jerry ice cream. For a mere one scoop ice cream, relatively about 3 ounce, the price tag is already five bucks. They branded the ice cream in a “premium” class with so little flavors. For the first and the last, I will not be a fool again to buy such an over priced super sweet ice cream. Actually, if I want to keep my figure, I better put my sweet teeth away as I can feel the jiggling on my waist already.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe

it's a "chalet". might come from a french word.

8:07 AM  

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