Monday, April 09, 2007

Zouk out

Groove Amanda is the top techno twin mixers in the UK and they came to play in Zouk last night. Under their thrusting record spinning technique, you could certainly shake your ass off on the dance floor. Zouk is not a big club as comparison to MOS or St James, yet I have to admit that it plays the best techno music in town. My feet started pumping soon after I stepped into its main room, where people from all over the world were already flourishing on the floor. The GA brothers is an accomplished band that bought people into one heat wave after another.

Music with diversify lightings combined with occasional dry ice and wind blowing effect coming under your feet really made the night’s experience glorious. Although people around were still high, yet I became a bit bored after they had played several repetitive theme of songs. We eventually left at 4am, when my feet were hurting and my back was wet with spilled bear.

The rest of my weekend is spent on sleeping and recovering from the big night out. One big time for two days' of resting and nothing done~~~


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