Saturday, May 26, 2007

Friday night party

I miss home terribly, but where is home? If home is where you can always turn yourself to, then it is in Guangzhou. If home is where your friends are, then it is in Melbourne. I miss both places. The next time I go back to Guangzhou, I will see a lot of curious little nephews and nieces running around and calling me “aunty”. When I go back to Melbourne, my cousins will be as tall as me and are ready to go out clubbing as mad as me. Wow~~~ I always dream about these days to come. Throwing myself alone in a new country is not easy.

I went to Stu’s Birthday party on Friday night. I have known him for two plus years, way back to Melbourne Uni days. He took the P&G offer to work in the Singapore headquarter for more than a year now. It is such a coincident that we live so close to each other and happens to work in the same sector – Healthcare. Anyway, that was an Aussie party, which means a lot of booze, with majority of people attended have Melbourne backgrounds. After several crappy Singapore nights out, I really enjoyed this Aussie way of pastime, just lazing around and talk to people you don't know. Singapore is named as a small village, which is so true. I thought I would not know anyone in Singapore, yet I met two in the party. One is studying the same course as me. I recognized him because his face looks very familiar to me. In our conversations, I found out he started in the same year as me and used to live in IH (Hey Nicole, if you are reading my blog, can you remember a Singaporean guy you know from IH?). The other one is a Melbourne born-and-bred Malaysian girl who works in the same building as mine! She is on the advertising side of WPP group. Hooray, my friend’s circle is expanding.


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