Sunday, September 23, 2007


For the whole Saturday, I felt like a Zombie. Woke up at 11am, still in a half-asleep state. Talked to grandma for 45min, ate some biscuit while clearing my personal emails, then went to teach Chinese for one hour. Came back home, feeling melted in the scorching sun. Ate my first KFC in Singapore before went to bed for a nap. The next thing I knew was 7pm. Quickly washed my face before dashing out to Union Square to meet up with Chole for the night of fun. I need a full day to detox my one-week of tiredness.

I suddenly missed Melbourne so much while I was on the dance floor. I have always been homesick, yet every time I was in a social dance environment, the emotion surged to its peak. I became very subsided, reluctant to reach out for new friends. I admit I am not a PR person. I should have learnt to put up a friendly face in most situation, yet I could not pretend who I am not and draw smile on my face.

After months of anticipation, I finally got up to Mt Faber, a small hill near Vivo city; a well-known place for couples to make out where is surrounded by several over-priced restaurants and bars with alright views. For me, there is no better place for you to get stung by mosquito and dengue fever.

I am feeling so healthy since I started my exercise regime since Wednesday, except for my grumbling upset stomach which has never been in a good state for years.


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