Sunday, April 27, 2008

Marriage, children, parents-in-laws...and grandchildren!

I think mid-20s really gets girl. The not so young ladies start thinking more for their future, dreaming about the white dress and more so of their white horse. A number of my friends have already married or on the way to walk down the aisle. Those have nothing in hand have also started paying attentions to boys around them. The word of match-maker starts coming into conversations. On a big contrast, I am still living in an uninhibitedly life, enjoying what I am having and trying to forget my age. Seriously, I have never thought of committing a marriage, having kids, serving my parents-in-laws, living in a suburb, …, and expecting my grandchildren to come. OMG, what a confined life! When I will be tamed to live such a “merry” life?


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