Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rely on no one

I have to admit failure. After years of fighting and surviving on my own, I am still on my own back after these years of hardships. I still need to take care of everything, ranging from housing, jobs, daily expenses, families, etc. People always desire fun and seek for laughs, how many can really go behind the curtain and see the tears that have been shred. I am the one who shred tears in the dark but carry on with life in the light.

One can’t blame me on pushing helps away; I still believe I can do a lot of things without relying on others. I have experienced times when I desperately needed accompanies but was left alone in an empty hospital corridor, when I financially struggled but was left to work till no feelings, when I was emotionally vulnerable but only heard my sobbing in the dark. Many occasions have hardened my heart and made me trust no one. Could this be changed? It takes patience and times.


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