Sunday, June 08, 2008

Bike ride

We finally made it a day to ride a bike from Doncaster to as far as the bike trail will take on Saturday. Started slightly after mid-day, we went against the drizzling cloudy sky for our “great” journey. With packed sandwiches in our little blue bag, we rode swiftly along the Eastern Freeway. 2 1/2 hours and little detour later, we reached this secluded boat house in Fairfield park. City was merely a few kilometers away. We decide to stop and eat our packed lunch – my handmade salmon, cheese and spinach/lettuce burger. The trip reminded me greatly the three bike riding expeditions in Singapore; now I am in another city, seeing a different landscape and with different persons. Indeed, I get confused occasionally of where I am.

The way back home was a bit difficult for me. In order not to kill my legs, I rode extremely slow and gave up while going up the slopes. Another 2 1/2 hours later, I reached K’s home with little energy to even speak. Despite the exhaustion, the ride was a good trip and I am hoping to the next one soon.

At night, I was joyfully consuming large amount of diary products, namely ice-cream and cheese cake. My gratified face could persuade anyone to pat on my slightly ballooning tummy with a cherished smile.

I am avoiding my grandma. My mum keeps saying that I should make time for her and listen to her taking out her loneliness and imaginations. I can do that on the phone but not face-to-face. I am such an emotional and impatient person, the negative energy will only make me detest and rebel.


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