Friday, July 04, 2008


For the first time in a long time, I have this disruptive heartbroken feeling drilling into my heart and body. Tears could not be held back when I heard the news. I was trying hard to turn my tears back to my throat on my way home but ended up crying myself to sleep, leaving two swollen eyes the next day. I am all alone again. Sometimes I question the God, why life is so unfair? I am strong but why does he put me on the same scale as a bad life. I have to take care of so many things, running every single matter in my head. Yet, I am the one to blame when I simple ask for a simple favour. How can I not be hash on myself and the others while life is being harsh on me?

After the crying last night, I am thinking to leave the city again. Why should I come back? Maybe the choice I have made was wrong. I took the gamble to come back, to try my luck in the city I never like. See what I get myself into? Heartache and heartbroken!! I live in a rushing life, withstanding tiredness and different pressures everyday. I am yearning for an understanding; I am not even demanding for being looked after like the other ladies. Am I asking for too much?

All men are the same. I shall not make the same mistake again, or it may not be too late. Family is the one who stands behind me when I fall. Man’s promise sucks and is never trustable. This is one thing I understand and have not trapped myself into so far.


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